Governance, Portfolio, Programme Product and Project Management

First Steps

These very much depend on who you are, where you sit in the organisation, the problem you have and the desirability of your vision and benefits. Certainly, if you are about to:

- invest in tools and process because your project management is poor - think about the Business Integrated Goverance your potential investment will support?

- implement timesheets or resource management solutions - how wil they fit with delivery management?

- implement a PMO - aside from what service a PMO could provide, what does your busine ss need?

- undergo agile transformation - how will this fit your wider business?

...etc. it might be sensible to consider the Business Integrated Governance approach rather than adding another component solution?

Perhaps the answers to increased strategy outcomes and increased overall business agility do not lie in individual solutions at all - and they need a holistic approach to balancing "Run" and "Change" the Organisation?

Can you engage your stakeholders to think back from the decisions that need to be made and the framework to make them in to what is needed, rather than building up from what you imagine the solutions might consist of?

Whoever you are – we propose the following early steps:

The aim of this stage is to persuade an organisation that the solution to its portfolio, programme, product and project management concerns goes beyond the individual disciplines themselves. The answer lies in aligning governance and the solutions are to be found in integrating what exists before replacing expensive components. Is there a will to make solutions across function boundaries, and across "Run" and "Change" domains? Or will the organisation continue to make parochial investments which sustain the integration challenges?

These initial contacts may lead to a small funded engagement where current state is understood and agreed, options and possibilities are explored, and the high level answers defined.

Outcomes from this stage:

 - Stakeholders on board with shared problems and opportunities

 - Outline vision and roadmap agreed in outline.

 - Feasibility and risk understood

 - Budget for proper business case set aside to address the core enablers.

 - Early Adopters identified, initial benefit plan agreed

 - The right delivery approach will be enabled

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